Voter Information

Sample Ballots and Voting Locations

Complete the form to see:

  • Where to vote on election day
  • Sample ballot for your precinct
  • Upcoming elections

You'll also be able to:

  • Request a mail ballot
  • Review/update your voter registration information
  • Check the status of your mail ballot
  • Review your voting activity for the past 12 months

Voter Services | Outreach | Candidates | Facts & Figures | Election Worker | About | Maps | Español | Contact | Register to Vote | Precinct Lookup | Vote By Mail 

p: (863) 534 - 5888  |  f: (863) 534 - 5899  |  e:

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Some of the images on this website are from AIGA Get out the Vote Campaign. Credit to Arlene Jimenez, Jeremy Shellhorn, Heather Thompson, Kelly Holohan, Tim Neugebauer, Fank Baseman, Carrie A. Cantwell, Rodrigo Sanchez, Steph Hooton, Kevin Sprouls and Christian Baldo.